Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chile Rescue

After six unsuccessful attempts, this was the seventh attempt to reach the trapped miners which was successful.

All the 33 miners trapped for 70 days now rescued. What an achievement! What a proud moment for mankind. It took less than 22 hours! (21.44 to be exact)

70 days of untold anguish for the miners, their families and rescuers, and the last few days a nation and then the whole world watched .. and hoped for a miracle which eventually unfolded into reality.What a moment to cherish. A height of achievement that's hard to surpass. As the rescue capsule of the 33rd miner, the shift foreman, the boss down there and the last to come out surfaced into view the joy of all was unbelievable. The President and his wife was there and their tears of joy said it all.

Now, only the 5 of the rescuers who went down into the mines remain to be brought back. It is just a matter of time.

What a day for Chile and the whole world.
These are just disjointed tweets on this episode, even as the last couple of rescuers who went down are being brought up. - more later maybe

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